Thursday, November 17, 2011

Inferences on Night

Today we read a small passage from the book "Night". In the passage, it describes the ordeal of a group of Jews, traveling to what I think is a work camp. I'm not entirely sure where this passage is in the book but it seem's as if the characters have already been introduced so they don't actually show many names in this passage. Throughout the passage, it shows the problems the group of Jews are facing such as small, uncomfortable spaces on a train, rude German soldiers yelling and making fun of them, and having to endure hours upon hours of being near a madwoman who is constantly screaming "Fire! Fire!". It's difficult to imagine how terrible this situation would be, since the characters have obviously been taken away from their families and are heading into enemy territory.


  1. I thought that you did a good job. I liked the inferences that you made, because it made me think about new things that I could have put in my own blog. I do think that you could have made it more about what you think and less about what is in the book. Good Job.

  2. That was a good post Kobe! I thought you did really well inferring because it made me think a lot about the passage.

  3. Nice Inferences Kobe. I like how you showed your opinions as well as the facts from the book. You connected the story to real life almost and I really appreciate how you did that. It makes the reader feel more at 'home base' when reading yourstory and to feel what you thought when you wrote it.

  4. Kobe, good start. Now further develop your ideas. Tell me more about what's inside your mind about the story, rather than what it is about. You made some good inferences and asked a good question. Keep developing these ideas.

    3.5 points. Needs further development. There are also mechanical errors. For instance, in this sentence, there is a missing comma and the misplaced apostrophe. I'm not entirely sure where this passage is in the book but it seem's as if the characters have already been introduced so they don't actually show many names in this passage." Take your time to reread for technical errors.
